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Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our Specialities

We specialise in the use of traditional and modern Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat a full range of women’s health problems and pain conditions. The Clinic is one of the few Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices completely devoted to Fertility/IVF, Women’s Health Care and Pain Relief. The clinic founder Dr Zhang is qualified in both Western Medicine and Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1985 in China. Her specialty includes general Gynaecology and Obstetrics, with a major interest in Fertility (IVF), Pregnant care (including Morning sickness, Breech Presentation, and Acupuncture Labour Induction.), Post-natal care, Menopause, and Irregular/Painful periods, and other Pain Conditions (including Back Pain, Sciatica Pain, Tennis /Golf Elbow, Stiff Neck/Shoulder, Headaches, etc). She has more than 30 years’ experience in the field.

Our Philosophy

At ALTERMEDIC, we integrate the time-tested principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the latest advances in the Conventional Medicine to create effective health and wellness plans. We strongly believe that the best approach to health care is one that takes into account the whole person, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of health. This multi-dimensional approach cannot be fulfilled by conventional medicine alone, and often requires an integration of conventional and complementary practices. Regardless of the treatment, the goal for any doctor is to restore the health of the patient. The achievements of conventional Western Medicine over the last few decades have been remarkable. However, there are some cases where conventional medicine has no positive answers, whereas complementary medicine offers different and often successful treatments. TCM includes an element of healing and support that conventional medicine lacks. Integration of TCM into conventional medicine often works in favour of the patient’s health. We are caring and committed to helping you reach your health goals and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years in treating patients with tens of millions of documented successful cases. The diagnosis is based on the Eight Principles, which are composed of four pairs of opposite categories: Yin and Yang, Exterior and Interior, Cold and Heat, and Deficiency and Excess. The Eight Principles serve as a framework for the data gathered through observation, physical examination, and tongue and pulse diagnosis. Unlike conventional medicine, which relies on surgery or drugs to cure, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes in the innate ability of the body to heal itself. Using acupuncturemoxibustion(moxa)herbscuppingChinese massage (Tuina) and aims at self-healing and prevention rather than reacting to and suppressing symptoms as they arise. TCM includes an element of healing and support that conventional medicine lacks. Integration of TCM into conventional medicine often works in favour of the patient’s health. We are caring and committed to helping you reach your health goals and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

What Customers Say

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